


Fashion has an attitude | Do you know about plant leather?

Release time:2023-05-09

Why is there plant leather?

In recent years, we have often heard some brands promote their use of plant leather or pure plain leather. What is the reason behind it?

For the most common animal leather and cowhide, cattle farming is recognized as the most carbon emitting form of agriculture, not only because 🐮 The methane produced during digestion and grazing also lead to deforestation, releasing the carbon dioxide stored in the forest.

Although most rawhides used for leather are by-products of the meat industry, their processing process is extremely harmful to the environmental hazard. In order to improve the durability and anti-corrosion performance of leather, animal skins will be immersed in water mixed with various chemicals during the processing process. Finally, toxic chemicals that cannot be absorbed by animal skins will enter into wastewater, not only affecting the health of tanners, but also causing ecological pollution.

Most of the existing artificial leather is made of petroleum based products, which are equivalent to plastic and have a significant negative impact on the environment. In today's increasingly severe climate and environmental issues, plant leather gives us hope for the future.

At what stage has plant leather developed?

Any innovation is not achieved overnight, and the development of plant leather also requires the coordinated evolution of the entire industry chain, brand owners, and consumers. It can be delayed but cannot be absent. Overall, it is still in a very early stage, and the performance of plant-based leather on the market still cannot reach that of genuine leather, making it difficult to achieve 100% plant-based leather.

Tell me about two cases——

Herm è s used leather handbags made of mushrooms in 2021, which were only available to a few luxury brands and were only used on individual items, far from reaching the stage of commercialization and mass production.

Last summer, Adi released a concept shoe made of mycelium cultured leather, and Adi became the earliest user of the brand.

The reason we chose pineapple leaf leather

There are several reasons for this:

Founded in 2014, PINATEX has accumulated a considerable number of brand cooperation cases, and the performance of its products has been widely verified

Containing over 90% renewable resources (still containing 5% -10% PU content), but already outstanding in similar products

The pineapple leaves used are waste that can be burned under normal circumstances, thus avoiding the release of carbon dioxide. Although there is still a certain gap in performance compared to genuine leather, its unique texture gives it a new sense of fashion, and its natural breathability also gives it a clear advantage

It's not perfect yet, but we accept this imperfection.